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Monthly Rewind: September 2020

September I tried to challenge myself to focus on read as much as possible and I did really good for thi challenge for about two weeks. Instead of watching T.V or Youtube I would spend time just reading as much as I could. The other 2 weeks of the month I kind of reverted back to doing other things besides reading all of the time so my number isn’t as high as I would of liked it to be but that’s okay it was a excellent month.

My Month in Reading

I decided to just do some screenshots off of Goodreads to show you all of the books I read so here’s a collective view of all the books. My clipping ended up a little weird but here are all of the books I managed to read in September.

Screenshot 2020-10-03 191141Screenshot 2020-10-03 191243Screenshot 2020-10-03 191345Screenshot 2020-10-03 191208

My Favorites

Out of all of the books I read in the month these are my favorites! I discovered Kaye Draper this month and I read 9 books by her this month and really enjoyed them all. My favorite is the Reluctant Necromancer series though so I shared the first book.

I finally read my last Katie O’neill and it was amazing! I can’t wait to see what she publishes next!

The last series I want to mention is The Monster Whisper series. I really liked that this one explored different elements of mythology. It was a fun read and I read both books back to back.


The Stats!

I read  38 books!

which equals 3,576 pages

So overall not the most impressive month for page count but I did shuffle my TBR by shortest book so I’m not surprised that its low. I also didn’t read for over a week in this month so I am really impressed with what I managed to read. I am for sure going to do another month like this in the future. I have a habit of adding books to my TBR when they are really short as filler books and never getting to them so I really need another month like this where I try to read a many of them as possible.




I haven’t been around as much as I would of liked this month but I did check out some amazing blog posts so I thought I would share with you some of my favorites!

Paige shared books featuring deaf characters

Cam discussed reading self published books 

Krysta talked Using your library for ILL book loans

Pilar did a If you loved this try this book list: Romance style!

Esmée shared how she tracks her reading with Notion

Naty shares her Block editor tips

This update is going to be small again! I tried to not really watch a lot this much like I mentioned above but my go to is always Critical Role. I listen to the podcast mostly while at work. However I am actually working from home for a couple of weeks so I feel like my progress will be less than normal since I can do other things since I’m at home.

Currently I am on Campaign 2 Ep 33. So I listened to 16 episodes last month while at work. I still have about 78 episodes to be caught up. It feels like I’ll never be caught up espically since they post every week but I am having a lot of fun listening. When I am finally caught up I will be going back to Campaign 1 since I haven’t watched that yet.

P.S. I’ve been very sick recently. I was diagnosed with Covid a couple of weeks back now and am just now feeling better so this post is super late. I also have a couple posts like my Mid month check that should be coming soon.

I’m not back to 100% yet but I’m feeling so much better and I’m so happy to be back in the community. I really missed keeping up with all of you so please share anything I’ve might of missed!

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